Monday, June 29, 2009

i wish you to join

The development of Islam in the West Asian and South Asia

At the 7-th century, Islamic kingdoms in West Asia the golden era. This happens because of the trading. Kingdom of Islam in West Asia is made up of the Kingdom of Turkey, Arabia, Yemen, in the west, Asyiria, Mesopotamia, Sumerian, and in the east.
Position of West Asia staretegis provide for ease of Asia and Eastern Europe for trading. Center-West Asia trading center located on the east coast of Mediteranean Sea. Throughout the Red Sea, around the Persian Gulf along Euphrat River, Tigris, Turkey seta which is the gateway to Europe.
After the trade in West Asia, Arab traders dagangnya to extend the path east, the Persian Gulf and India. Channel trade followed this up to Malacca. Malacca was later changed to central Asia in the International port to accommodate the traders from the West, East, and South.
After the Caliph Abassiyah in Baghfaf collapse in 1258 due to M Mongol army attacks, the power of Islamic decadence. Kekuasannya split into small kingdoms. After a while later, three kingdoms emerged, namely the Turkish Usmani, Safawi in Persian, and Mughal India.
(Figure 2.5 Regional expansion of Islam around the years 750-1050 M.)

Usmani Kingdom Turkey in Turkey

Turkey Usmani Kingdom was established by the Turkish nomadic tribe of the Oghuz Mongols inhabited areas and the north China. 13 M on a century, pressure from the Mongols of the nation continues, so they decided fled settled in the region and Asia Minor. They serve in the Sultan of Seljuk. Their offspring, Usman (1290-1326), considered the founder of the Kingdom of Turkey Usmani. Usman and his
ancestor Byzantium render a drive out troops from the region. Usman Government offspring successfully extend his power into the region and Turkey is now part of Europe now include Turkey and some European which includes Macedonia, Sophia, and Salonia.
Mongol attacks come again to Turkey in tahun1400 M. However, Turkey Usmani can escape from these attacks. Furthermore, there was strife among the leaders of the Kingdom of the descendants of Turkish Sultan Bayazid. New in the leadership of Muhammad Al-Fatih (1451-1484), he was able to consolidate the power of the kingdom. Constantinople attacked by Turkey in the year 1453, M. Eastern Europe dominated by the Sultan Sulaiman. At that time, Turkey became the center of Islam to the progress in the field of religion and politics. Turkey disrepair caused strife between the descendants of Sultan Sulaiman. This causes destruction of the Kingdom of Turkey Usmani.

Safawi in the Kingdom of Persia

Safawi Kingdom living of the same age with Turkey Usmani. Safawi first leaders came from the Kingdom of the founders of tarekat Sahawiyah in Ardabil, Azerbaijin, called Safi Al-Din in the 14th century M. Safawi between ruler, King Abbas I brought the triumph of the Kingdom of Safawi. He was able to overcome the crisis in the kingdom and brings together the regions that have been separated before. Progress begins with the opening of trade ports Gumrun aside so that traders from the West is. Trade routes to Asia was occupied by the kingdom. Achieve progress in the agricultural area in the Crescent Subur (Fertile Crescent) to the agricultural production that are bringing prosperity.
Safawi Kingdom have a high civilization and many develop the science. In the kingdom there are many experts in philosophy, religious experts, and historian, and it can be said more advanced compared with the two great Islamic kingdom in the same period. Kingdom also reached the peak of progress in the field of art and architecture. Mosques, hospitals, roads, parks and beautify the city of Isfahan. Lodging in the city, and 273 bathing public. Life art includes ceramics, pottery, Safawi Islamic civilization has been filling in the fields of economy, science, art, and large buildings.

Mughal Kingdom in India

India is located in the South Asia region. Start the power of Islam in India occur during the Caliph Al-Walid daei dynasty Bani Umayyah the attack India. At that time appear Ghaznawi Dynasty under Sultan Mahmud Al-Gahzna who conquered almost all the Hindu kingdom in India.
Mughal kingdom was founded by Zahiruddin Babur at the beginning of the century to 16 M. He conquered Samarkand in the year 1494 and M occupy Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan in the year 1504, M. Mughal troops successfully the region north Delhi. Control of these mark the end of the kingdom of Delhi and the emergence of the Kingdom of Mughal India.
Initially, the Mughal dynasty always marked with a subordinate kingdom of the rebellion. Next, King Humajun successfully restore the power of Mughal dynasty in the year 1555, M. He was replaced by Akbar, who ruled with her son authoritarian ways. During Akbar government, agriculture and trade to progress rapidly. India's merchandise to sell in Europe, Africa, and Asia, such as tobacco, cotton, indigo, weaving, cloth, and other. Poet laureate and the works of Persian. Abu Fadl is historians who write history based on the leadership of the Kingdom of Mughal kingdom. The beautiful works of architecture and amazing achievements in the Mughal kingdom, such as mosques, palaces, villa, and garden. During the Shah Jehan, built a mosque and pearl-plated Taj Mahal in Agra, Great Mosque in Delhi, and Lahore in the Palace.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

golden age forever

PROCESS and The development of ISLAM

A. Indonesia within relation to the development ISLAM IN WEST ASIA, SOUTH ASIA, AND THE OTHER TO-15 th century

Birth of Islam

Islam born in the Arabian peninsula, southwest Asia, when the Arab nation living in the era of era jahiliyah or darkness or ignorance. At that time, the public does not know God. They worship statues or idols, and believe that natural forces affect their lives. Inter-ethnic hostility, murder, and war did not stop. The state of nature that caused them to make hard law "deserts", which means stronger then they win.

The spread of Islam by the events that contain the word of God to spread the teachings of Islam. Word was passed on Muhammad on 17 Ramadan, or on 6 August 610 BC, when he is being engage in the Hira cave. The Angel Gabriel to Muhammad and his first revelation from God, the letter of Al-Alaq. Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad saw. Continue to receive and disseminate the revelation-revelation of God for 22 years.

And spreading the teachings of Islam
Islam comes from the word meaning aslama submit ourselves to God and obey. Islam also means happy, tranquil, and peaceful. Pemeluknya called the muslimat and Muslims or Muslims. Islam teaches people to obtain salvation in the world and the Hereafter.

Command Alllah delivered to mankind through the Prophet. All commands that are taught, either allowed or prohibited, a book written in the holy Al-Qur'an. Qur'an is a collection of revelation-revelation of God to the Prophet received the word-word and its meaning. Prophet Muhammad told revelation-revelation to the friends. Next, they record all the habits of the Prophet, known as Hadith. In other words, the Koran and the Hadith is a source of Islamic law supreme.
Originally broadcast in Islam secretly and limited to the families and friends of the Prophet Muhammad.
After the fall revelation that Muhammad ordered the spread of Islam are straightforward, he started preaching in public. The leaders of Quraish in Mecca Muhammad hinder business. Muhammad is considered a dangerous religion because it conflicts with their old beliefs. The Quraish blandish or allow it to do with the threat, and he also defamatory. However, followers of the Prophet Muhammad and does not quiver at the threat. Figure 2.1 River Tigris in Baghdad.
To avoid and escape from the threat of persecution made by the Quraish, on the instructions of Allah, Prophet Muhammad saw. and followers moved to Yatsrib in the year 622 M. Then the city known as the Madinat an-Nabi, meaning city of the Prophet, or Medina. Movement and followers of the Prophet to Medina called the Hijrah. Embraces Islam in Medina promised to defend the Prophet in maintaining and spreading Islam. Figure 2.2 Arabian peninsula.
In Medina, Prophet Muhammad saw. manage the community with the government in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Islam spread more knowledgeable so that pemeluknya any more, not only in the Arab peninsula, and then to Indonesia. Figure 2.3 Ka'bah in Mecca, the direction Muslims all over the world.


On 12 Rabiul Start Hijriah 11 years or 632 M, the Prophet Muhammad saw. died. He dimakamkan in Medina. Teachings of Islam and the religious forwarded by the caliph. Caliph of Islam leader is also leader of the State. It's the first four caliphs and the famous they called Khulafa-ur-Rasyidin. They are:
1. Shidiq Abu Bakr (632-634 M). During the pemerintaannya, the influence of Islam spread to the entire Arab peninsula and began to enter Palestine.
2. Umar bin Khattab (634-644 M). During his reign the influence of Islam spread to Syiria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and began to go to Persia. Umar managing Administration memebentuk with the provincial government institutions and courts.
3. Uthman bin Affan (644-655 M). Under the leadership. The influence of Islam spread throughout Persia, Cyprus, and Rhodes. During this cleavage also occurs in the community.
4. Ali bin Abi Talib (655-661 M). At this time Muslims split into several people, such as the Syiah, Ummayah, and Al Kawarij.
(Figure 2.4 Masjid Nabawi in Medina, where Prophet Muhammad saw. Dimakamkan).

Dynasty Umayyah
When the power of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib as the dogs seized by Muawiyah in 661 M, the central government moved to Damascus, Syiria. Since that time, stand Umayyah Dynasty. Government Umayyah dynasty lasted for almost 1 century. The triumph of Umayyah occurred at the time of the Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik (705-715 M). At that time, Islam developed to reach the west and Spain and southern France and China to the border.

Dynasty Abassiyah
In the year 750 M, Abdul Abbas seize power from Umayyah Dynasty and establish a new dynasty called the Dynasty Abassia. The central government moved to Baghdad. Abassiyah dynasty in power for almost 5 centuries. Under the Caliph Harun ar kepimpinan Rasyid (756-809 M), Dynasty Abassiyah experience progress in all areas of life. However, in the year 1258 M, fall in Baghdad attacks as Mongols.

Dynasty Umayyah and Bani Ahmad
At the time of the attack occurs against Dynasty Umayyah by Abbas, a prince named Abdurrahman successful escape and establish Kekhalifaan in Cordoba, Spain (756-1031 M). One result of triumph can be seen from Cordoba Masjid Jami 'Cordoba is very beautiful. Masjid Jami 'that was founded by Caliph Abdurrahman III (891-961 M). Culture and science in Cordoba experience a very rapid development, even the west is also involved in the study city.
Throughout that time, many going to war and power struggle among the Islamic countries that have in Spain. Finally, in the year 1031 M, the battle was won by Ahmad Bani dynasty based in Granada, southern Spain. Al Hambra Palace in Granada is a proof of the triumph of the peak and the Dynasty culture.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

golden age part 2

PROCESS,DEVELOPMENT and the heritage of Islam


Birth of Islam

Islam born in the Arabian peninsula, southwest Asia, when the Arab nation living in the era of era jahiliyah or darkness or ignorance. At that time, the public does not know God. They worship statues or idols, and believe that natural forces affect their lives. Inter-ethnic hostility, murder, and war did not stop. The state of nature that caused them to make hard law "deserts", which means stronger then they win.

The spread of Islam by the events that contain the word of God to spread the teachings of Islam. Word was passed on Muhammad on 17 Ramadan, or on 6 August 610 BC, when he is being engage in the Hira cave. The Angel Gabriel to Muhammad and his first revelation from God, the letter of Al-Alaq. Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad saw. Continue to receive and disseminate the revelation-revelation of God for 22 years.

And spreading the teachings of Islam
Islam comes from the word meaning aslama submit ourselves to God and obey. Islam also means happy, tranquil, and peaceful. Pemeluknya called the muslimat and Muslims or Muslims. Islam teaches people to obtain salvation in the world and the Hereafter.

Command Alllah delivered to mankind through the Prophet. All commands that are taught, either allowed or prohibited, a book written in the holy Al-Qur'an. Qur'an is a collection of revelation-revelation of God to the Prophet received the word-word and its meaning. Prophet Muhammad told revelation-revelation to the friends. Next, they record all the habits of the Prophet, known as Hadith. In other words, the Koran and the Hadith is a source of Islamic law supreme.
Originally broadcast in Islam secretly and limited to the families and friends of the Prophet Muhammad.
After the fall revelation that Muhammad ordered the spread of Islam are straightforward, he started preaching in public. The leaders of Quraish in Mecca Muhammad hinder business. Muhammad is considered a dangerous religion because it conflicts with their old beliefs. The Quraish blandish or allow it to do with the threat, and he also defamatory. However, followers of the Prophet Muhammad and does not quiver at the threat. Figure 2.1 River Tigris in Baghdad.
To avoid and escape from the threat of persecution made by the Quraish, on the instructions of Allah, Prophet Muhammad saw. and followers moved to Yatsrib in the year 622 M. Then the city known as the Madinat an-Nabi, meaning city of the Prophet, or Medina. Movement and followers of the Prophet to Medina called the Hijrah. Embraces Islam in Medina promised to defend the Prophet in maintaining and spreading Islam. Figure 2.2 Arabian peninsula.
In Medina, Prophet Muhammad saw. manage the community with the government in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Islam spread more knowledgeable so that pemeluknya any more, not only in the Arab peninsula, and then to Indonesia. Figure 2.3 Ka'bah in Mecca, the direction Muslims all over the world.


On 12 Rabiul Start Hijriah 11 years or 632 M, the Prophet Muhammad saw. died. He dimakamkan in Medina. Teachings of Islam and the religious forwarded by the caliph. Caliph of Islam leader is also leader of the State. It's the first four caliphs and the famous they called Khulafa-ur-Rasyidin. They are:
1. Shidiq Abu Bakr (632-634 M). During the pemerintaannya, the influence of Islam spread to the entire Arab peninsula and began to enter Palestine.
2. Umar bin Khattab (634-644 M). During his reign the influence of Islam spread to Syiria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and began to go to Persia. Umar managing Administration memebentuk with the provincial government institutions and courts.
3. Uthman bin Affan (644-655 M). Under the leadership. The influence of Islam spread throughout Persia, Cyprus, and Rhodes. During this cleavage also occurs in the community.
4. Ali bin Abi Talib (655-661 M). At this time Muslims split into several people, such as the Syiah, Ummayah, and Al Kawarij.
(Figure 2.4 Masjid Nabawi in Medina, where Prophet Muhammad saw. Dimakamkan).

Dynasty Umayyah
When the power of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib as the dogs seized by Muawiyah in 661 M, the central government moved to Damascus, Syiria. Since that time, stand Umayyah Dynasty. Government Umayyah dynasty lasted for almost 1 century. The triumph of Umayyah occurred at the time of the Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik (705-715 M). At that time, Islam developed to reach the west and Spain and southern France and China to the border.

Dynasty Abassiyah
In the year 750 M, Abdul Abbas seize power from Umayyah Dynasty and establish a new dynasty called the Dynasty Abassia. The central government moved to Baghdad. Abassiyah dynasty in power for almost 5 centuries. Under the Caliph Harun ar kepimpinan Rasyid (756-809 M), Dynasty Abassiyah experience progress in all areas of life. However, in the year 1258 M, fall in Baghdad attacks as Mongols.

Dynasty Umayyah and Bani Ahmad
At the time of the attack occurs against Dynasty Umayyah by Abbas, a prince named Abdurrahman successful escape and establish Kekhalifaan in Cordoba, Spain (756-1031 M). One result of triumph can be seen from Cordoba Masjid Jami 'Cordoba is very beautiful. Masjid Jami 'that was founded by Caliph Abdurrahman III (891-961 M). Culture and science in Cordoba experience a very rapid development, even the west is also involved in the study city.
Throughout that time, many going to war and power struggle among the Islamic countries that have in Spain. Finally, in the year 1031 M, the battle was won by Ahmad Bani dynasty based in Granada, southern Spain. Al Hambra Palace in Granada is a proof of the triumph of the peak and the Dynasty culture.

Friday, June 26, 2009

golden age

7. Kingdom of Gowa and Tallo

a. Position Kingdom

Kingdom of Gowa and Tallo better known as the Kingdom of Makassar. Kingdom is located in South Sulawesi. Geographically, South Sulawesi have an important position, because it close to the shipping line trading archipelago. Even the area became the center port of the traders, both originating from the eastern part of Indonesia and the traders who came from the western part of the Indonesian region. With the situation such as this lead to the Kingdom grew to large and powerful kingdom on the archipelago routes of trade.

b. Political life

Growth is the Kingdom of the kings who once ruled as:

King Alauddin.

In the century to the 17-M, Islam is growing rapidly in South Sulawesi. The first king who embrace Islam named King Alaudin who ruled from the year 1591-1538 M. Under his reign, the Kingdom of makassar start of shipping in world-trade (the marine). This development was the increasing prosperity of the people of the kingdom. But after his death King Alaudidin, state government kingdom can not be known with certainty.

Sultan Hasanuddin.

During the government of Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar kingdom reached the glorious. In a relatively short time, the Kingdom has succeeded in the almost entire region of South Sulawesi. Ideals of Sultan Hasanuddin full path to the archipelago of trade, to encourage expansion kekeuasaannya Nusa Tenggara archipelago, as some of Flores and Sumbawa. Thus, all activities of sea trade through the Flores Sea must first stop in the capital of the Kingdom of Makassar.
Such circumstances be gazed at by the Dutch who have the power in the center of Ambon Maluku. Relations with South Batavia obstructed by power of the Kingdom of Makassar. Conflict between the Netherlands and often lead to war. Sultan Hasanuddin courage to lead troops to the kingdom of Makassar memporak-porandakan Dutch troops in Maluku, causing the push. Top his courage, Dutch surname to Sultan Hasanuddin "Cock from the East."
In efforts to control the Kingdom of Makassar, the Netherlands for a relationship with the kingdom of Bone, with major tourist Palaka king. With the help of major tourist Palaka, Dutch troops succeeded in pushing the Kingdom of Makassar and the capital of the kingdom. Finally resumed with the Agreement Bongaya (1667 M).


After Sultan Hasanuddin down the throne, he was succeeded by her son called Mapasomba. Sultan Hasanuddin Mapasomba really hope that can work together with the Netherlands. The goal that the Kingdom can still survive. In fact Mapasomba far more from his father so hard Dutch troops mobilize a massive Mapasomba to face. Mapasomba troops successfully destroyed and it is unknown fate. With the victory, the Dutch power over the kingdom of Makassar.
(Figure 1:37 Pelabuhan Makassar meurut painting Valenty. A place that serves the port of traders, both from Indonesia and other countries around the century to the M-17).

4. Kingdom of Ternate and Tidore

a. Position Kingdom

Geographically, the Kingdom of Ternate and Tidore have a situation that is very important in world trade at that time. The two kingdoms are located in the Maluku Islands.
At that time, the Maluku Islands is the largest produce of spice, so named as "the Spice Island." Spices become the main commodity in the world shipping trade at the time, so that each trader and the nations that came to the East aims to find the source of spices. Therefore, muncullah desire to control the spice.
Circumstances such as this, have affected aspects of community life, both in the areas of political, economic, social, and cultural.

b. Political life

In Maluku island there are many small kingdoms, among them the kingdom of Ternate as leader Uli Lima, the alliance of five brothers with the area includes the islands Ternate, Obi, Bacan, Seram, and Ambon. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Tidore lead Uli Siwa, which means nine brothers alliance with the region covering the islands Makayan, or Jahilolo Halmahera, the islands and between the region up to the West Irian.
When nations go to Maluku Portuguese, Portuguese side and help direct Ternate in the year 1521. This is because the Portuguese think Ternate stronger. Similarly, the Spanish nation when it comes directly in Maluku Tidore help. There perselidihan between the two white areas are du Maluku. To complete the dispute keduan nation. Pope's hands down and determine the border region east of the Agreement through Saragosa. Saragosa in the Agreement stated that Spain must leave bengsa Maluku and moved to the Philippines, the Portuguese remain the areas in Maluku.
(Figure 1:38 Estimated area of power and the kingdom of Ternate Tidore).

Sultan Hairun.

To be able to strengthen the position in Maluku, the Portuguese established a fort called Santo Paulo. However, the longer action be detested by the Portuguese people and even by the official Kingdom of Ternate. Sultan Hairun, penguas Ternate, growing hate (anti) see the actions and gestures Portuguese nation. Therefore, the Sultan Hairun against overt political monopoly of the Portuguese nation.

Sultan Baabullah.

With the death of Sultan Hairun, Maluku people under the leadership of Sultan Baabullah (son of Sultan Hairun), rise up against the Portuguese. Year 1575 M, Portuguese and can be defeated given the opportunity to leave the fort.
In the year 1578 M, the Portuguese also want to establish a stronghold in the South, but not long after the people moved to the Portuguese East Timor and in power there until 1976. After 1976 the territory of East Timor integrated into the region of the Republic of Indonesia until 1999. However, after the impressions of 1999, the people of East Timor chose independence.

period of time

4 Kutai (centuries to M-4)
5 Tarumanegara (century-5 M)
6 Holing (century-6M)
Malacca (century-6-7 M)

7 Sriwijaya (centuries to 7-14-M)
8 Sailendra (8th century-9 M)
Mataram (century-8-10 M)

10 Pajajaran (century-10-14 M)
Bali (10 th century-14-M)
Madang Kamulan (century-10-11 M)

11 Janggala (century-11-12 M)
Kediri (century-11-13 M)
Ocean Pasai (1128-1414 M)

Sriwijaya 13 (13th century M)
Majapahit (13th century-16 M)

14 Malacca (1405-1511 M)
15 Demak (1500-1546 M)
Aceh (1514-1675 M)
Pajang (1552-1692 M)
Mataram (1575-1755 M)
Makassar (1591-1667 M)

16 Tidore Ternate (16

Thursday, June 25, 2009

the great of Islam

6. Kingdom of Mataram

a. Position Kingdom

Kingdom of Mataram Islam is not related to the kingdom of Mataram from Hindu-Buddhist era. Any chance of the same name is used. May also use this name to the effort to glorify the greatness back then.
At the beginning of its development, the Kingdom of Mataram Kadipaten area is under the authority of the Kingdom of Pajang. Position Mataram Kingdom in the southern part of Central Java with the center or the City Market Gede Gede Yogyakarta near the now. From the kingdom of Mataram, this is growing up to eventually become the kingdoms of the region covering his area of Central Java, East Java, and some areas in West Java.

b. Political life

After the Kingdom of Demak collapse, the central government moved to Pajang by Ki Jaka Tingkir (Sultan Hadiwijaya), son of Sultan Trenggana. Sultan Hadiwijaya further establish the Kingdom of Pajang but not old age, namely between the years 1569-1586 M. After Sultan Hadiwijaya died, coastal cities continue to strengthen themselves, so that the dangerous position of the Kingdom of Pajang. Meanwhile, Prince Sultan Benowo of Hadiwijaya can not overcome the movements made by the regents of the coastal area is the beach. Therefore, Prince Benowo submit to the authority of his kingdom Sutawijaya. Thus stand the kingdom of Mataram. Kings who once ruled the kingdom of Mataram is as follows.
(Figure 1:34 Model burying the sultan in the early development of Islam in Java. The model in the tomb of Sultan Imogiri architecture that has the influence of culture before Islam).

Penembahan Senapati.

In the beginning the Mataram was ruled by Kadipaten Kiai Gede Pamanahan (former keoala prajuri Hadiwijaya that defeat Aryah Penagsang).
After Kiai Gede Pamanahan M died 1575 years, as the duke of Mataram replaced by her son called Sutawijaya with a degree Panembahan Senapati ing Alogo Saidin Panotogomo (head of the army troops and the religious). He was long the land of Java. Therefore, the preparation is done in various areas with memeperkuat troops Hadiwijaya and penyerahantahta from Prince Benowo to Senapati.
After successfully memebentuk Kingdom of Mataram, Senapati expansion of the kingdom and menduduk areas such as coastal area of Surabaya. Adipati Surabaya Madiun a successful alliance with the predominantly Mataram. Next Kediri and Pasuruan successfully seized. Surabaya Adipati successfully defeated. Dengandemikian in a short time region of Central Java and East Java have become part of the power of the kingdom of Mataram.

Mas Jolang.

Mas Jolang ruled from the year 1601-1613 Mataram M. Under his reign, the kingdom of Mataram expanded again with the occupation of areas in the surrounding areas. Areas occupied by the successful Mataram under government Jolang Mas is Ponorogo, Kertosono, Kediri, Wirosobo (Mojoagung). Pda zymotic year 1612, the forces of Mataram which directly led by Mas Jolang forced to return to the center of Mataram Kingdom. In the year 1613 M, Mas Jolang wafar Krapyak and the Village Market in dimakamkan Gede. Then he deberi degree Pangeran seda Krapyak ing.

Sultan Agung

Mas after Jolang died, Raden Mas Martapura starting power. However, because of ill-sickly, and down from the throne of Mataram Kingdom. Then he was replaced by Mas Rangsang, with the title of Sultan Agung Senapati Inf alogo Ngabdurrachman. He is the king of Mataram, the first title of the sultan, so that better known as Sultan Agung.
Reign of Sultan Agung of Mataram years 1613-1645 M. Under his reign, the kingdom of Mataram reached kejayaannya. In addition to being a king, he is also interested in philosophy, literary and art. Sultan Agung to write a philosophy book titled Sastrc gending.
Sultan Agung have a goal to maintain all the land of Java and drive out the people in the Dutch Batavia. During his reign, the kingdom of Mataram twice the attack to Batavia (1628 M and 1629 M), but failed. This failure to make the Sultan Agung tighten vigil in the border areas close to Batavia, so difficult to penetrate the Dutch Mataram. Sultan Agung M died in 1645 and replaced by her son who obtained a degree Amengkurat I.

Amengkurat I.

Amengkurat I ruled from 1645-1677 Mataram M. When he was in power, the Dutch began to enter the kingdom of Mataram. Amengkurat I even made a very close relationship with the Netherlands. Netherlands dipekrkenankan establish a stronghold in the kingdom of Mataram.
In fact, after permitted to establish a stronghold, the Dutch act arbitrarily. Finally, the rebellion appears as a rebellion led by the Prince of Madura Trunajaya. Prince Trunajaya successfully establish links with the regent beach in the coastal areas. Even the capital city of Mataram is almost occupied by Trunajaya. But as the arms supplies that are far below the Belana troops, the rebellion was finally successfully be quenched. When the battle occurred in the center of the capital of the kingdom of Mataram, Amengkurat I suffered injury and was by her son to Tegalwangi, to die.

Amengkurat II.

Amengkurat Mataram II ruled from 1677-1703 M. Under his reign, the power of the kingdom of Mataram narrow. Most of the areas of power taken over the Netherlands. Amengkurat II is not interested to stay in the capital of the kingdom, then establish a new capital in the village of Wonokerto name Kartasurya. In the capital this is the government run Amengkurat II teradap remains of the kingdom of Mataram, and died 1703 years M.
After Amengkurat II, the kingdom of Mataram and grow bleak years 1755 through M Giyanti Agreement, the Kingdom of Mataram divided two areas:
• Sultanate of Yogyakarta Region, this area is better known as the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat with Mangkubumi as king, Sultan Hamengkubuwono title I (1755-1792 M).
• Regional Keduhunan Surakarta, be governed by Susuhunan Pakubuwono III (1749-1788)
(Figure 1:35 sultanate Region (vorstenianden) in the middle of the island of Java. After the year 1830 the Netherlands share the sultanate into four sections namely Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Mangkunegaran, and Pakualaman. Here is seen the influence of the Dutch kingdoms of Indonesia).
However, the Dutch are not satisfied for the split areas of the kingdom of Mataram. When resistance occurs from the Mas Said, the Netherlands Agreement Salatiga. This Agreement is a Dutch effort to reduce the power of the kingdom of Mataram.
Salatiga Agreement held in the year 1757, M. Mas Said dinobatkan as king with the title of Prince Adipati Arya Mangkunegara the region given the name of Mangkunegara. However, in the year 1813 the M part of the sultanate of Yogyakarta given Paku Alam as Adipati, so that the kingdom of Mataram, a strong and robust at the time of Sultan Agung finally divided into small kingdoms, such as:
• Kingdom of Yogyakarta
• Kesuhunan Surakarta
• Pakualam Kingdom, and
• Mangkunegara Kingdom

Thus the kingdom of Mataram become an end large and luxurious to be a small kingdoms and the weak do not freeze

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

dont bore to read

4. Kingdom of Demak

a. Position Kingdom

Kingdom of Demak is the first Islamic kingdom in Java. Demak Kerajaa geographically located in Central Java, but appear at the beginning of the Kingdom of Demak obtain assistance from the regent's coastal regions of Central Java and East Java that have adopted Islam.
In the past, the region called Demak Bintaro area which is a vassal or subordinate kingdom of Majapahit. The power given to the government Raden broken (from the Kingdom of Majapahit) who profess Islam, his mother and came from Jeumpa (Pasai area).

b. Political life

When the countdown starts Majapahit Kingdom, many of the regent in the coastal region north of Java island escape. Regent-regent IUT form a coalition under the command of Demak. After the collapse of Majapahit Kingdom, stand as the Kingdom of Demak Kingdom Demak is as follows.

Raden Patah.

According to the folklore of East Java, Raden Patah, including descendants of the last king of Majapahit kingdom, the king Brawijaya V. Once mature, Raden Patah appointed regent in Bintaro (Demak) Degree with Sultan Alam Akbar al-Fatah.
Raden Patah reign Demak 1500-1518 M. Under his reign, the Kingdom of Demak grown rapidly, because the farm has a wide as food, especially rice. Therefore, the kingdom became the Kingdom of Demak agrarian-maritime. Merchandise exported Kingdom Demak antra other rice, candles, and honey. Goods are exported to Malacca, Moluccas and Pasai Ocean.
During the government Raden Patah, the power of the Kingdom of Demak district includes Jepara, Tuban, Sedayu, Palembang, Jambi and some areas in Kalimantan. In addition, the Kingdom of Demak also has an important port port-like Jepara, Tuban, Sedayu, Jaratan, Gresik and developed into a port transito (link).
Kingdom of Demak developed as a center of trade and the center spread of Islam. Services of the guardian in the spread of Islam is very large, both in Java and in the regions outside Java, in areas such as Maluku undertaken by a headman of Demak called upside Parangan.
During the government raden broken, built the mosque of Demak mosque development process is assisted by the guardian or Sunan.
(Gambar. 1:31 of the mosque, assisted by the guardian and led directly by Sunan Kalijaga. One of the main pillar of fractional fractional-wood, called Soko chips).
When the kingdom of Malacca fell into the hands of the Portuguese M 1511 years, and the relationship Demak Malacca lost. Kingdom of Demak feel wronged by Potugis in trading activity. Therefore, the 1513 year reign Raden Patah Adipati Unus Demak led troops to attack in the Malacca Portuguese. The attack is not successful, because the Portuguese troops lebuh far stronger and persenjataannya complete. Top business Adipati Unus get the nickname Prince Sabrang Lor.

Adipati Unus.

After Raden Patah died, the throne held by the Kingdom of Demak Adipati Unus. He ruled from 1518-1521 Demak M. Governmental Adipati Unus not so long, but his name is known as a war commander who led troops in Demak attacked Portuguese Malacca. After Adipati Unus dies, the kingdom of Demak throne held by his brother the title SultanTrenggana.

Sultan Trenggana.

Sultan of Demak Trenggana ruled from the year 1521-1546 M. Under his reign, Kreajaan Demak reach heyday. Sultan Trenggana try memeperluas authority to the local area in West Java. In the year 1522 the kingdom of Demak M pasukannya send to West Java under Fatahillah (Faletehan). Areas, among other successful dikuasainya Banten, Sunda Kelapa, and Cirebon. Control of this area is aimed to thwart the relationship between the Portuguese and the Kingdom of Pajajaran. Portuguese fleet can be destroyed by the fleet leaders Fatahillah Demak. With the victory, Fatahillah change the name of Sunda Kelapa became Jayakarta (meaning full of victory). Events that occurred on 22 June 1527 M was so diperingati as of Jakarta.
In an effort to expand kekuasannya East Java, Sultan Trenggana lead pasukannya own. One at the East Java successfully mastered, such as the Madiun, Gresik, Tuban, and Malang. However, when the attack Pasuruan (1546) Sultan Trenggana killed

c. Collapse Demak

After Sultan Trenggan died, there was seizing power in the kingdom of Demak, between Prince Sekar Seda ing Laoen envoy killed by Sunan Prawoto.
Putra Sekar Seda ing Lapen named Arya Penangsang Jipang the reply from his father's death with the murder Prawoto Dunan. Sunan Prawoto Besides, Arya Penangsang also attend kill Prince (Prince Consort Times Nyamat, brother of Sunan Prawoto). Prince attend regarded as obstructions Penangsang Arya to become the Sultan of Demak.
Then Arya Penangsang killed by Ki Jaka Tingkir assisted by the chaplain and her son Pamanahan Gede Sutawijaya, and Ki Penjawi. Jaka Tingkir ascend the throne and penobatannya done by Sunan Giri. After becoming king, he titled Sultan Fadiwijaya and the central government's move to Pajang Demak.

5.Kingdom of Banten

a. Position Kingdom

Basics Kingdom placed by Hasanuddin Banten (son Fatahillah) and achieve the government kejayaannya Sultan Ageng Tritayasa. The development of the Kingdom of the Bantern so rapidly, it is not separated from the position and the strategic location in the vicinity of Selat Sunda.
Geographically, the Kingdom of Banten is located in the northern West Java. Kingdom of Banten became ruler of sea routes and trade developed into a great kingdom in West Java, and even become a serious competitor VOC (Dutch), which is located in Batavia.

b. Political life

Development of the Kingdom of Banten, can not be separated daei role of the kings who once ruled the kingdom of Banten.

King Hasanuddin.

After embrace islam by Fatahillah Banten, Banten region submitted to a son named Hasanuddin. He ruled from 1552-1570 Banten M. He placed the foundations of the Kingdom of Banten and the king himself as the first. During his reign, Islam and the Kingdom of Banten kekeuasaan developing quite rapidly.
Hasanuddin King, also the power to memeperluas Lampung. Occupied with the Lampung, Banten kingdom is the sole ruler of sea lane traffic Selat Sunda-trade, so that each trader is required to go through the Sunda to conduct operations in Bandar Banten.
(Figure 1:32 The Kingdom of banten. Banten work culminate in the Sultan kejayaannya Ageng Tirtasaya. Banten Kingdom location is very strategic because it is located in the Sunda be busy after the dikuasainya the Malacca by the Portuguese).
Hasanuddin king marries the daughter of King Indrapura. Even the land of King Indrapura Selebar generate a lot of pepper to it. Under the government of King Hasanuddin, many in the Kingdom of Banten visit by merchant-trader from Gujarat, Persia, China, Turkey, Pegu (Burma South), and Tamil.

Panembahan Jusuf.

Hasanuddin King died after year 1570 F, the title Penembahan her son Joseph became the king of Banten next. He unutk trying to promote agriculture and irrigation. He also seeks to expand the powers of his kingdom. Steps ditempuhnya among others, seize Pakuan at 1579 M. In battle, the king named Prabu Pakuan killed Sedah. Pajajaran kingdom which is the last stronghold in the Hindu kingdom of West Java dikuasainya successful. After a 10-year reign, Panembahan Joseph died as a result of his sick.

Maulana Muhammad.

When Jusuf Panembahan being sick, his brother called Prince Jepara dating to Banten. Jepara Prince appeared to be educated by the time of Queen Nyamat want to take the Kingdom of Banten. But Mangkubumi Kingdom of Banten and other officials did not agree. They raise the son of Joseph Panembahan a new age of nine years named Maulana Muhammad became king with the title Kanjeng Banten Ratu Banten. Mangkubumi become guardian king. Mangkubumi run all the activities of government until the king's kingdom is ready to rule.
In the year 1596 M Kanjeng Ratu Banten Banten Kingdom led the troops unutuk attack Palembang. The goal unutk occupied bandar bandar-trade which is located in the Malacca edge that can be used as a place to gather unutk pepper and other produce from Sumatra. Palembang akan dikuasainya, but it does not work, even Kanjeng Ratu Banten tertembak and eventually died. The kingdom of the throne to her son and then move the new five-month named Abu'Mufakir.


Abu'Mufakir assisted by the guardian of the kingdom called Jayanegara. However, it is influenced by a prince named nurse Nyai bellyband Rangkung.
In the year 1596 M is also for the first time the Dutch arrived in Indonesia under the command of Cornelis de Houtman. They anchored in the port of Banten. Their initial goal dating to Indonesia is to buy spices.

Sultan Ageng Tirtyasa.

After the funeral, Abu'Mufakir replaced by her son with the title of Sultan Abu 'Ma'li Ahmad Rahmatulah. However, news of the sultan is not known clearly. After Sultan Abu 'Ma'li died, he was succeeded by her son the title of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. He ruled from 1651-1692 Banten M.
Under the government of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Kingdom of Banten achieve heyday. Sultan Ageng Tirtayas attempt to expand his kingdom and drive out of Dutch Batavia. Banten support resistance against the Dutch Kingdom of Mataram in Batavia. Failure is not the kingdom of Mataram Sultan Ageng spirit to achieve the ideals-citanya.
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa promote trading activity in order to compete with the Dutch in Batavia. In addition, the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa ordered troops to the kingdom of Banten to the robbery of the Dutch in Batavia, while sugar cane plantation owned by the Netherlands in the west Ciangke destroyed oelh people Banten. Movement is done by people on the Sultan of Banten Ageng Tirtayasa create Netherlands overwhelmed them.
In the year 1671 M Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa lift crown to be the son of the king with the title Sultan parlormaid Abdul Kahar. Since that time the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa rest in Tirtayasa, but he does not release the government entirely. In the year 1674 M, Sultan Abdul Kahar go to Mecca and to visit Turkey after he returned to Banten (16766 M). Since that time he was better known as the Sultan Haji.
When ruling the Kingdom of Banten, Sultan Haji establish good relations with the Netherlands. This relationship appeared to be a good opportunity by the Dutch to enter the kingdom of Banten. Terjalinnya see the relationship between the Sultan Haji Netherlands., Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa interesting back the throne of the kingdom of the Sultan Haji daei. However, the Sultan Haji retaining the throne his kingdom, so that the civil war going on between the Sultan of Banten Kingdom Ageng Tirtayasa with Sultan Haji putanya assistance of the Netherlands. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa successfully arrested and imprisoned in Batavia died years until 1692, M.
Victory is the destruction of the Sultan Haji Kingdom of Banten, Banten Kingdom of the next under the supervision of the Netherlands. Thus, the Sultan Haji but a mere symbol (king puppet) government in the Kingdom of Banten, as all power is set by the Dutch.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

still continue

3. Kingdom of Aceh

a. Position Kingdom

Kingdom of Aceh as a developing Islamic kingdom and the triumph of the government on Sultan Iskandar Muda. Growth achieved by the Kingdom of Aceh can not be separated from the kingdom's strategic location, the island of Sumatra in the north and near the shipping line international trade at that time. Ramainya shipping activity through trade-bandar Bandar Aceh Kingdom trade, affect the development of the life of the Kingdom of Aceh in all areas, such as aspects of political, economic, social, and cultural.

b. Political life

About when the Kingdom of Aceh, can not be known with certainty. Based on Bustanussalatin (1637 M) column Naruddin Ar-Raniri containing genealogical Sultans of Aceh, and based on the news in Europe, the Kingdom of Aceh diketahi that have successfully freed themselves from the power of the Kingdom of Pedir. Kings who once ruled the kingdom of Aceh are:

Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah.

Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah is the first king of the Kingdom of Aceh. He ruled Aceh year 1514-1528 M. Under his control, to expand the Kingdom of Aceh to some areas that are in the region such as North Sumatra and the Power Pasai. Even make attacks against the Portuguese nation in Malacca and also attack the kingdom of Aru.

Sultan Salahuddin.

After Mughayat Syah Sultan Ali died, the switch to the son of Sultan Salahuddin title. He ruled years 1528-1537 M. Occupied the throne during the Kingdom of Aceh, he could not pay attention to the kingdom. The state of the kingdom and a shaky start to decline sharply. Therefore, the Sultan Salahuddin replaced his brother who called Riayat Alauddin Syah al-Kahar.

Sultan Alauddin al-Kahar Riayat.

Riayat Sultan Alauddin Syah al-Kahar Aceh reign from the year 1537-1568 M. After successfully occupied the throne the kingdom, he melaksnakan variety of changes and improvements in the governance of all forms of the Kingdom of Aceh. During his reign, the Kingdom of Aceh to the expansion area as do his attacks against the kingdom of Malacca (but failed). Region Kingdom of Aru successfully occupied. After the government Riayat Sultan Alauddin Syah al-Kahar end, the Kingdom of Aceh to the grim. Perbutan rebellion and the power often. Just after Sultan Iskandar Muda ascend the throne, the Kingdom of Aceh experienced a rapid development.

Sultan Iskandar Muda.

Sultan Iskandar Muda Aceh reign from the year 1607-1636 M. Under the Sultan Iskandar Muda, Aceh experienced kejayaannya Kingdom. Kingdom of Aceh grow into large and powerful kingdom on the trade of Islam, Bandar bahkam become transito who can connect with merchants in the Islamic world the West.
To achieve greatness Kingdom of Aceh, Sultan Iskandar Muda in Aceh continue to struggle with the Portuguese and Johor Kerajan in Peninsular Malaya. Tujannya is the path of trade in the Malacca and the regions of pepper. Sultan Iskandar Muda also refused a request to the UK and the Netherlands to buy pepper in the western coastal Sumatra. In addition, the Kingdom of Aceh to the areas such as Aru, Pahang, Kedah, Perlak, Indragiri, and so on down the Sultan Iskandar Muda, Aceh has the Kingdom of the very wide powers.
During the glorious feudatory there are two renowned experts tasawwuf in Aceh, namely Syech Syamsuddin bin Abdullah as-Samatrani and Syech Abraham-syamsi. After the Sultan Iskandar Muda died, the throne Kingdom of Aceh was replaced by his son in law namely Sultan Iskandar Thani.

Sultan Iskandar Thani.

Sultan Iskandar Tahni ruled Aceh year 1636-1641 M. In running the government, he was to continue the tradition of Sultan Iskandar Muda. During the Sultan Iskandar Thani, showing a great theologian named Nuruddin ar-Raniri. He is writing a history book berudul Bustanu'ssalatin Aceh. As scholars large, Nuruddin ar-Raniri was figure who’s respected by the Sultan and his family by the people of Aceh seta. After he died, the kingdom of the throne held by the Queen(Iskandar Muda daughter) with the title Sri Putri Alam consort (1647-1675 M).