4. Kingdom of Demak
a. Position Kingdom
Kingdom of Demak is the first Islamic kingdom in Java. Demak Kerajaa geographically located in Central Java, but appear at the beginning of the Kingdom of Demak obtain assistance from the regent's coastal regions of Central Java and East Java that have adopted Islam.
In the past, the region called Demak Bintaro area which is a vassal or subordinate kingdom of Majapahit. The power given to the government Raden broken (from the Kingdom of Majapahit) who profess Islam, his mother and came from Jeumpa (Pasai area).
b. Political life
When the countdown starts Majapahit Kingdom, many of the regent in the coastal region north of Java island escape. Regent-regent IUT form a coalition under the command of Demak. After the collapse of Majapahit Kingdom, stand as the Kingdom of Demak Kingdom Demak is as follows.
Raden Patah.
According to the folklore of East Java, Raden Patah, including descendants of the last king of Majapahit kingdom, the king Brawijaya V. Once mature, Raden Patah appointed regent in Bintaro (Demak) Degree with Sultan Alam Akbar al-Fatah.
Raden Patah reign Demak 1500-1518 M. Under his reign, the Kingdom of Demak grown rapidly, because the farm has a wide as food, especially rice. Therefore, the kingdom became the Kingdom of Demak agrarian-maritime. Merchandise exported Kingdom Demak antra other rice, candles, and honey. Goods are exported to Malacca, Moluccas and Pasai Ocean.
During the government Raden Patah, the power of the Kingdom of Demak district includes Jepara, Tuban, Sedayu, Palembang, Jambi and some areas in Kalimantan. In addition, the Kingdom of Demak also has an important port port-like Jepara, Tuban, Sedayu, Jaratan, Gresik and developed into a port transito (link).
Kingdom of Demak developed as a center of trade and the center spread of Islam. Services of the guardian in the spread of Islam is very large, both in Java and in the regions outside Java, in areas such as Maluku undertaken by a headman of Demak called upside Parangan.
During the government raden broken, built the mosque of Demak mosque development process is assisted by the guardian or Sunan.
(Gambar. 1:31 of the mosque, assisted by the guardian and led directly by Sunan Kalijaga. One of the main pillar of fractional fractional-wood, called Soko chips).
When the kingdom of Malacca fell into the hands of the Portuguese M 1511 years, and the relationship Demak Malacca lost. Kingdom of Demak feel wronged by Potugis in trading activity. Therefore, the 1513 year reign Raden Patah Adipati Unus Demak led troops to attack in the Malacca Portuguese. The attack is not successful, because the Portuguese troops lebuh far stronger and persenjataannya complete. Top business Adipati Unus get the nickname Prince Sabrang Lor.
Adipati Unus.
After Raden Patah died, the throne held by the Kingdom of Demak Adipati Unus. He ruled from 1518-1521 Demak M. Governmental Adipati Unus not so long, but his name is known as a war commander who led troops in Demak attacked Portuguese Malacca. After Adipati Unus dies, the kingdom of Demak throne held by his brother the title SultanTrenggana.
Sultan Trenggana.
Sultan of Demak Trenggana ruled from the year 1521-1546 M. Under his reign, Kreajaan Demak reach heyday. Sultan Trenggana try memeperluas authority to the local area in West Java. In the year 1522 the kingdom of Demak M pasukannya send to West Java under Fatahillah (Faletehan). Areas, among other successful dikuasainya Banten, Sunda Kelapa, and Cirebon. Control of this area is aimed to thwart the relationship between the Portuguese and the Kingdom of Pajajaran. Portuguese fleet can be destroyed by the fleet leaders Fatahillah Demak. With the victory, Fatahillah change the name of Sunda Kelapa became Jayakarta (meaning full of victory). Events that occurred on 22 June 1527 M was so diperingati as of Jakarta.
In an effort to expand kekuasannya East Java, Sultan Trenggana lead pasukannya own. One at the East Java successfully mastered, such as the Madiun, Gresik, Tuban, and Malang. However, when the attack Pasuruan (1546) Sultan Trenggana killed
c. Collapse Demak
After Sultan Trenggan died, there was seizing power in the kingdom of Demak, between Prince Sekar Seda ing Laoen envoy killed by Sunan Prawoto.
Putra Sekar Seda ing Lapen named Arya Penangsang Jipang the reply from his father's death with the murder Prawoto Dunan. Sunan Prawoto Besides, Arya Penangsang also attend kill Prince (Prince Consort Times Nyamat, brother of Sunan Prawoto). Prince attend regarded as obstructions Penangsang Arya to become the Sultan of Demak.
Then Arya Penangsang killed by Ki Jaka Tingkir assisted by the chaplain and her son Pamanahan Gede Sutawijaya, and Ki Penjawi. Jaka Tingkir ascend the throne and penobatannya done by Sunan Giri. After becoming king, he titled Sultan Fadiwijaya and the central government's move to Pajang Demak.
5.Kingdom of Banten
a. Position Kingdom
Basics Kingdom placed by Hasanuddin Banten (son Fatahillah) and achieve the government kejayaannya Sultan Ageng Tritayasa. The development of the Kingdom of the Bantern so rapidly, it is not separated from the position and the strategic location in the vicinity of Selat Sunda.
Geographically, the Kingdom of Banten is located in the northern West Java. Kingdom of Banten became ruler of sea routes and trade developed into a great kingdom in West Java, and even become a serious competitor VOC (Dutch), which is located in Batavia.
b. Political life
Development of the Kingdom of Banten, can not be separated daei role of the kings who once ruled the kingdom of Banten.
King Hasanuddin.
After embrace islam by Fatahillah Banten, Banten region submitted to a son named Hasanuddin. He ruled from 1552-1570 Banten M. He placed the foundations of the Kingdom of Banten and the king himself as the first. During his reign, Islam and the Kingdom of Banten kekeuasaan developing quite rapidly.
Hasanuddin King, also the power to memeperluas Lampung. Occupied with the Lampung, Banten kingdom is the sole ruler of sea lane traffic Selat Sunda-trade, so that each trader is required to go through the Sunda to conduct operations in Bandar Banten.
(Figure 1:32 The Kingdom of banten. Banten work culminate in the Sultan kejayaannya Ageng Tirtasaya. Banten Kingdom location is very strategic because it is located in the Sunda be busy after the dikuasainya the Malacca by the Portuguese).
Hasanuddin king marries the daughter of King Indrapura. Even the land of King Indrapura Selebar generate a lot of pepper to it. Under the government of King Hasanuddin, many in the Kingdom of Banten visit by merchant-trader from Gujarat, Persia, China, Turkey, Pegu (Burma South), and Tamil.
Panembahan Jusuf.
Hasanuddin King died after year 1570 F, the title Penembahan her son Joseph became the king of Banten next. He unutk trying to promote agriculture and irrigation. He also seeks to expand the powers of his kingdom. Steps ditempuhnya among others, seize Pakuan at 1579 M. In battle, the king named Prabu Pakuan killed Sedah. Pajajaran kingdom which is the last stronghold in the Hindu kingdom of West Java dikuasainya successful. After a 10-year reign, Panembahan Joseph died as a result of his sick.
Maulana Muhammad.
When Jusuf Panembahan being sick, his brother called Prince Jepara dating to Banten. Jepara Prince appeared to be educated by the time of Queen Nyamat want to take the Kingdom of Banten. But Mangkubumi Kingdom of Banten and other officials did not agree. They raise the son of Joseph Panembahan a new age of nine years named Maulana Muhammad became king with the title Kanjeng Banten Ratu Banten. Mangkubumi become guardian king. Mangkubumi run all the activities of government until the king's kingdom is ready to rule.
In the year 1596 M Kanjeng Ratu Banten Banten Kingdom led the troops unutuk attack Palembang. The goal unutk occupied bandar bandar-trade which is located in the Malacca edge that can be used as a place to gather unutk pepper and other produce from Sumatra. Palembang akan dikuasainya, but it does not work, even Kanjeng Ratu Banten tertembak and eventually died. The kingdom of the throne to her son and then move the new five-month named Abu'Mufakir.
Abu'Mufakir assisted by the guardian of the kingdom called Jayanegara. However, it is influenced by a prince named nurse Nyai bellyband Rangkung.
In the year 1596 M is also for the first time the Dutch arrived in Indonesia under the command of Cornelis de Houtman. They anchored in the port of Banten. Their initial goal dating to Indonesia is to buy spices.
Sultan Ageng Tirtyasa.
After the funeral, Abu'Mufakir replaced by her son with the title of Sultan Abu 'Ma'li Ahmad Rahmatulah. However, news of the sultan is not known clearly. After Sultan Abu 'Ma'li died, he was succeeded by her son the title of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. He ruled from 1651-1692 Banten M.
Under the government of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Kingdom of Banten achieve heyday. Sultan Ageng Tirtayas attempt to expand his kingdom and drive out of Dutch Batavia. Banten support resistance against the Dutch Kingdom of Mataram in Batavia. Failure is not the kingdom of Mataram Sultan Ageng spirit to achieve the ideals-citanya.
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa promote trading activity in order to compete with the Dutch in Batavia. In addition, the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa ordered troops to the kingdom of Banten to the robbery of the Dutch in Batavia, while sugar cane plantation owned by the Netherlands in the west Ciangke destroyed oelh people Banten. Movement is done by people on the Sultan of Banten Ageng Tirtayasa create Netherlands overwhelmed them.
In the year 1671 M Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa lift crown to be the son of the king with the title Sultan parlormaid Abdul Kahar. Since that time the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa rest in Tirtayasa, but he does not release the government entirely. In the year 1674 M, Sultan Abdul Kahar go to Mecca and to visit Turkey after he returned to Banten (16766 M). Since that time he was better known as the Sultan Haji.
When ruling the Kingdom of Banten, Sultan Haji establish good relations with the Netherlands. This relationship appeared to be a good opportunity by the Dutch to enter the kingdom of Banten. Terjalinnya see the relationship between the Sultan Haji Netherlands., Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa interesting back the throne of the kingdom of the Sultan Haji daei. However, the Sultan Haji retaining the throne his kingdom, so that the civil war going on between the Sultan of Banten Kingdom Ageng Tirtayasa with Sultan Haji putanya assistance of the Netherlands. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa successfully arrested and imprisoned in Batavia died years until 1692, M.
Victory is the destruction of the Sultan Haji Kingdom of Banten, Banten Kingdom of the next under the supervision of the Netherlands. Thus, the Sultan Haji but a mere symbol (king puppet) government in the Kingdom of Banten, as all power is set by the Dutch.
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