1. Kingdom of Samudera Pasai
a. position
Samudera Pasai is the first kingdom in Indonesia to follow Islam. Geographically, the Kingdom of Samudera Pasai located in the east coast of northern Sumatra island close to the shipping line international trade at that time, namely the Malak.
With a very strategic position, the kingdom of Samudera Pasai developed into the kingdom of Islam that is quite strong at that time. This development was also supported with the results of the earth daei Kingdom Pasai Ocean such as pepper. On the other hand, drain-drain from the kingdom of Samudera Pasai also being link (transito duct) between the Islamic traders who came from the west with Islamic traders from the east.
Circumstances such as this is the result of the kingdom of Samudera Pasai experienced rapid growth that is quite at that time, both in political life, economic, social, and cultural.
b. Political life
The kingdom of Samudera Pasai can not be known with certainty. However, the experts found evidence of the successful development of the power of the kingdom of Samudera Pasai. Kings who once ruled the kingdom of Samudera Pasai among others.
Nazimuddin al-Kamil.
Founder of the kingdom of Samudera Pasai is Nazimuddin al-Kamil, a warlord from the sea of Egypt. In the year 1238 M, he got the job subduct Kambayat in Gujarat as a place of marketing goods trade from the east. Nazimuddin al-Kamil also founded a kingdom in northern Sumatra Island. Its main objectives are to be the result of trading spices and pepper.
Nazimuddin Kamil al-lay the foundations of the kingdom of Samudera Pasai with laws based on Islamic teachings. Under his reign, the kingdom of Samudera Pasai experiencing rapid growth is enough, even though the political kingdom of Samudera Pasai under the power of Majapahit.
Sultan Saleh Malikul.
After the successful defeat Fatimah Dynasty in Egypt (Syi'ah sekt), Dynasty Mamaluk (the flow Syafe'i) Ocean Pasai subduct want to be able to pepper the market in the eastern region. The sheik Ismail Mamaluk send a team up with angry Silu (the descendants of angry Pasai). They successfully seize kingdom of Samudera Pasai, Silu and Marah as the title of king Sultan Malikul Saleh (Saleh al-Malik).
Sultan Saleh Malikul of Samudera Pasai ruled from the year 1285-1297 M. Sultan follow the original flow was finally turned Syi'ah follow Syafe'i flow, such as Dynasty Mamaluk. Sutan Malikul Saleh marriage with Putri Sari weed strengthen position in the area of the east coast of Aceh, so that the kingdom of Samudera Pasai a center of trade in the Malacca.
Sultan Malikul Thahir.
After Malikul Saleh Sultan died, the throne in the kingdom of her son who switch titled Sultan Malikul Thahir (Malik Al-Thahir). During his (1297-1326), important events happened in the kingdom of Samudera Pasai time Malikul son Sultan Abdullah Saleh named Mansur. He returned to the stream that flows the Syiah.
When the kingdom of Malacca emerged and developed as a center of trade in the Malacca, the kingdom of Samudera Pasai regional trade as a somber start.
(Figure 1:27 Script Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai. One of the literary heritage of the kingdom of Samudera Pasai is Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai essay Hamzah Fansuri. Script made about 15 century by using the Malay language and closely related with the early arrival of Islam in the Nusantara .
2. Kingdom of Malacca
a. Position Kingdom
During the glory, Kingdom of Malacca is a center of trade and the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. Development of the kingdom of Malacca in the field of political, economic, social, and cultural can not be separated by positions and the strategic location in the shipping and trading activities at that time.
b. Political life
Iskandar Syah.
At the beginning of the 15 century, occurred in the civil war of Majapahit Kingdom. The war is known as the War Paregreg. In battle, the prince of a kingdom called Majapahit Paramisora accompanied the followers fled from the area to Blambangan Tumasik (Singapore).
Regional Tumasik considered less secure and less suitable to establish the kingdom. Area and become a breeding place of the pirate hideout. Therefore, Paramisora with his legion continue the journey to the north of Peninsular Malaya.
In the region, Paramisora build a kampong with the followers and assisted by the local farmers and fishermen. Colony was given the name Malak. Area of the new built development is experiencing a fairly rapid due to the strategic location, that is at the shipping line and the Malacca trade.
In world trade, developing Malacca as a link between the Western world with the Eastern world. The development of a very rapid Paramisora encourage it to build a kingdom called Malacca, and he immediately became king.
Trading activity in the Malacca at that time was dominated by Muslim traders. They only perform the activities of trade on trade Bandar-bandar Islam. To that end, decided Paramisora profess Islam. He change the name to Iskandar Syah and the Kingdom of Malacca as the kingdom of Islam. To maintain the security of the kingdom of Malacca, Iskandar Syah requesting assistance to the Chinese Emperor subdued him with the states (1405 M).
Iskandar Syah successfully placed the foundations of the kingdom of Malacca. He developed into the kingdom of Malacca in the Malacca important. He ruled Malacca from the year 1396-1414 M.
Muhammad Iskandar Syah.
After Iskandar Syah died, Malacca for the throne held by her son named Muhammad Iskandar Syah. He ruled Malacca from the year 1414-1224 M. Under his reign, expanded the powers of Malacca to reach the whole of Peninsular Malaya.
To promote economic, Muhammad Iskandar Syah trying to make the kingdom of Malacca as the sole ruler of sea trade routes in the kingdom of Malacca. To achieve the business, he must be the kingdom of Samudera Pasai. However, so, the kingdom of Samudera Pasai is not possible, given the forces of war Kingdom of Samudera Pasai far stronger than the kingdom of Malacca. Therefore, Muhammad Iskandar Syah choose the way through perkawainan political marriage with the daughter and the kingdom of Samudera Pasai.
by his marriage with daughter of Samudera Pasai king, Muhammad Iskandar Syah achieved the ideals of Malaka. Under his reign, shipping trade in the Malacca increasingly crowded and this is very big influence on the development of the kingdom of Malacca in trading activity.
Mudzafat Syah.
After successfully remove Mudzfat Syah Muhammad Iskandar Syah throne of the Kingdom of Malak, he immediately ascended the throne to become King of Malacca with the title sultan, so Mudzafat Syah is the first king of the Kingdom of Malacca which is a degree.
Mudzfat Syah Malakaa ruled from the year 1424-1458 M. During his reign, there was the Kingdom of Siam's attacks. Attacks carried out from land and sea. However, all attacks can be defeated. Success of the torpedo attack of the Kingdom of Siam is important to the Kingdom of Malacca in the Malacca. Even under the Mudzafat Syah pemertintahan Sultan, the kingdom of Malacca to hold the expansion areas in the vicinity of the kingdom of Malacca, Pahang, such as, Indragiri, and Kampar. After Mudzafat Syah Sultan dies, the kingdom of Malacca throne to her son inherited the title of Sultan Mansyur Syah.
Syah Sultan Mansyur.
Mansyur Syah ruled Malacca from the year 1458-1477 M. Under his reign, the kingdom of Malacca to progress very rapidly and even reach the glorious as a trade center and the center spread of Islam in Southeast Asia.
Experienced the triumph of the Kingdom of Malacca is a blessing this business Masyur Syah Sultan. With his father's political resume, which is expanding his territory, in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra in the Central region, such as the Kampar defeated and that made the colony. Then Siam successfully mastered. In a battle of King Siam killed. The son thralled and taken to Malacca, and is integrated with the sultan of their own daughter and the king appointed him to the title. Recognize the power of next Indragiri Malacca.
Although the kingdom of Malacca look up good progress, but the kingdom of Samudera Pasai not being invade. Jambi and Palembang is protected by the Majapahit Kingdom, were forced to be respected by the Kingdom of Malacca. Bataks Kingdom, Aru (Haru) remain as independent kingdoms and establish good relations with the kingdom of Malacca.
During the government of Sultan Mansyur Syah, a warlord who live in the famous Sultan to help develop the kingdom. Warlord is named Hang Tuah. Hang Tuah most meritorious in the kingdom of Malacca. This information is obtained from a folklore that is known by the name of Hikayat Hang Tuah. Hang Tuah greatness often equated with greatness Patih Gajah mada of Majapahit Kingdom.
Sultan Alaudin Syah.
Mansyur Penggan Sultan is Sultan Alaudin Syah Syah. He ruled Malacca from 1477-1488 M and inherit the kingdom of Malacca which is quite knowledgeable. Economic development of the kingdom remained stable in the early period of his reign. However, because the Sultan Alaudin syah not as capable as Syah Sultan Mansyur (his father), the power of the kingdom of Malacca began experiencing decline. Areas that used by Mansyur Syah feudatory, one by one escape from the kingdom of Malacca. After he died the throne Kingdom of Malacca is replaced by the son of Sultan Mahmud Syah who called.
Sultan Mahmud Syah.
Sultan Mahmud Syah of Malacca ruled 14588 - 1511 Under his reign, the kingdom is the kingdom of Malacca is very weak. feudatory area includes a small part of Peninsula Malaya. This add collapse of Kingdom of Malacca. During the show feudatory, nation Portuguese expedition under the command of Alfonso d'Albuquerque tryng to seize the kingdom of Malacca. Finally, in the year 1511 the kingdom of Malacca fell into the hands of the Portuguese
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