6. Kingdom of Mataram
a. Position Kingdom
Kingdom of Mataram Islam is not related to the kingdom of Mataram from Hindu-Buddhist era. Any chance of the same name is used. May also use this name to the effort to glorify the greatness back then.
At the beginning of its development, the Kingdom of Mataram Kadipaten area is under the authority of the Kingdom of Pajang. Position Mataram Kingdom in the southern part of Central Java with the center or the City Market Gede Gede Yogyakarta near the now. From the kingdom of Mataram, this is growing up to eventually become the kingdoms of the region covering his area of Central Java, East Java, and some areas in West Java.
b. Political life
After the Kingdom of Demak collapse, the central government moved to Pajang by Ki Jaka Tingkir (Sultan Hadiwijaya), son of Sultan Trenggana. Sultan Hadiwijaya further establish the Kingdom of Pajang but not old age, namely between the years 1569-1586 M. After Sultan Hadiwijaya died, coastal cities continue to strengthen themselves, so that the dangerous position of the Kingdom of Pajang. Meanwhile, Prince Sultan Benowo of Hadiwijaya can not overcome the movements made by the regents of the coastal area is the beach. Therefore, Prince Benowo submit to the authority of his kingdom Sutawijaya. Thus stand the kingdom of Mataram. Kings who once ruled the kingdom of Mataram is as follows.
(Figure 1:34 Model burying the sultan in the early development of Islam in Java. The model in the tomb of Sultan Imogiri architecture that has the influence of culture before Islam).
Penembahan Senapati.
In the beginning the Mataram was ruled by Kadipaten Kiai Gede Pamanahan (former keoala prajuri Hadiwijaya that defeat Aryah Penagsang).
After Kiai Gede Pamanahan M died 1575 years, as the duke of Mataram replaced by her son called Sutawijaya with a degree Panembahan Senapati ing Alogo Saidin Panotogomo (head of the army troops and the religious). He was long the land of Java. Therefore, the preparation is done in various areas with memeperkuat troops Hadiwijaya and penyerahantahta from Prince Benowo to Senapati.
After successfully memebentuk Kingdom of Mataram, Senapati expansion of the kingdom and menduduk areas such as coastal area of Surabaya. Adipati Surabaya Madiun a successful alliance with the predominantly Mataram. Next Kediri and Pasuruan successfully seized. Surabaya Adipati successfully defeated. Dengandemikian in a short time region of Central Java and East Java have become part of the power of the kingdom of Mataram.
Mas Jolang.
Mas Jolang ruled from the year 1601-1613 Mataram M. Under his reign, the kingdom of Mataram expanded again with the occupation of areas in the surrounding areas. Areas occupied by the successful Mataram under government Jolang Mas is Ponorogo, Kertosono, Kediri, Wirosobo (Mojoagung). Pda zymotic year 1612, the forces of Mataram which directly led by Mas Jolang forced to return to the center of Mataram Kingdom. In the year 1613 M, Mas Jolang wafar Krapyak and the Village Market in dimakamkan Gede. Then he deberi degree Pangeran seda Krapyak ing.
Sultan Agung
Mas after Jolang died, Raden Mas Martapura starting power. However, because of ill-sickly, and down from the throne of Mataram Kingdom. Then he was replaced by Mas Rangsang, with the title of Sultan Agung Senapati Inf alogo Ngabdurrachman. He is the king of Mataram, the first title of the sultan, so that better known as Sultan Agung.
Reign of Sultan Agung of Mataram years 1613-1645 M. Under his reign, the kingdom of Mataram reached kejayaannya. In addition to being a king, he is also interested in philosophy, literary and art. Sultan Agung to write a philosophy book titled Sastrc gending.
Sultan Agung have a goal to maintain all the land of Java and drive out the people in the Dutch Batavia. During his reign, the kingdom of Mataram twice the attack to Batavia (1628 M and 1629 M), but failed. This failure to make the Sultan Agung tighten vigil in the border areas close to Batavia, so difficult to penetrate the Dutch Mataram. Sultan Agung M died in 1645 and replaced by her son who obtained a degree Amengkurat I.
Amengkurat I.
Amengkurat I ruled from 1645-1677 Mataram M. When he was in power, the Dutch began to enter the kingdom of Mataram. Amengkurat I even made a very close relationship with the Netherlands. Netherlands dipekrkenankan establish a stronghold in the kingdom of Mataram.
In fact, after permitted to establish a stronghold, the Dutch act arbitrarily. Finally, the rebellion appears as a rebellion led by the Prince of Madura Trunajaya. Prince Trunajaya successfully establish links with the regent beach in the coastal areas. Even the capital city of Mataram is almost occupied by Trunajaya. But as the arms supplies that are far below the Belana troops, the rebellion was finally successfully be quenched. When the battle occurred in the center of the capital of the kingdom of Mataram, Amengkurat I suffered injury and was by her son to Tegalwangi, to die.
Amengkurat II.
Amengkurat Mataram II ruled from 1677-1703 M. Under his reign, the power of the kingdom of Mataram narrow. Most of the areas of power taken over the Netherlands. Amengkurat II is not interested to stay in the capital of the kingdom, then establish a new capital in the village of Wonokerto name Kartasurya. In the capital this is the government run Amengkurat II teradap remains of the kingdom of Mataram, and died 1703 years M.
After Amengkurat II, the kingdom of Mataram and grow bleak years 1755 through M Giyanti Agreement, the Kingdom of Mataram divided two areas:
• Sultanate of Yogyakarta Region, this area is better known as the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat with Mangkubumi as king, Sultan Hamengkubuwono title I (1755-1792 M).
• Regional Keduhunan Surakarta, be governed by Susuhunan Pakubuwono III (1749-1788)
(Figure 1:35 sultanate Region (vorstenianden) in the middle of the island of Java. After the year 1830 the Netherlands share the sultanate into four sections namely Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Mangkunegaran, and Pakualaman. Here is seen the influence of the Dutch kingdoms of Indonesia).
However, the Dutch are not satisfied for the split areas of the kingdom of Mataram. When resistance occurs from the Mas Said, the Netherlands Agreement Salatiga. This Agreement is a Dutch effort to reduce the power of the kingdom of Mataram.
Salatiga Agreement held in the year 1757, M. Mas Said dinobatkan as king with the title of Prince Adipati Arya Mangkunegara the region given the name of Mangkunegara. However, in the year 1813 the M part of the sultanate of Yogyakarta given Paku Alam as Adipati, so that the kingdom of Mataram, a strong and robust at the time of Sultan Agung finally divided into small kingdoms, such as:
• Kingdom of Yogyakarta
• Kesuhunan Surakarta
• Pakualam Kingdom, and
• Mangkunegara Kingdom
Thus the kingdom of Mataram become an end large and luxurious to be a small kingdoms and the weak do not freeze
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