Beginning of the first entrance islam in Indonesia
1. Opinions about the entry of Islam to Indonesia
The process of entry and the development of culture and the teachings of Islam to Indonesia raise some opinions. The figures revealed that in the opinion that there is direct them to know about the process of entry and spread culture and the teachings of Islam in Indonesia, but there are also many who started as a form of research undertaken by the West (Europe) to come to Indonesia because of the task or be by government in Indonesia (the Indonesian domination by Western nations).
Figures revealed that opinions about the existence of cultural and religious teachings of Islam in Indonesia, including:
Marco Polo (1292). In return trip from the land of China, Marco Polo visited the island of Sumatra. Port in the first visit called Ferlec (equated with Perlak). According to Marco Polo, Perlak many regions visited by Muslim traders. The existence of a trade that could change the Muslim confidence of the native to embrace the teachings of Islam. News from the Marco Polo is the oldest story that has developed in Indonesia, a group of Muslim population, especially in the cities that are located by the beach or on the edge of sea routes and trade at the time.
Mohammad Ghor. Mohammad Ghor is a figure who has conquered and spread of Islam in Gujarat (India). In the distribution of cultural and religious teachings of Islam to Indonesia, traders Gujarat has a very important role. Through the relationships woven between the Maharashtra traders with traders from Indonesia that is the cultural and religious teachings of Islam to develop Indonesia.
Ibn Batuta. has twice traveled to and from China (1345-1346). He found a kingdom of Islam. This is evidenced with the presence of the Sultan Syafi'i ceremony. Ibn Batuta also states that the areas around the country that the population not embrace Islam. Ibn Batuta also find an Islamic cemetery in the town of Ocean numbered year in 1421. The findings have the character of Islam is to eat, manandakan in the Ocean at that time Islam has grown.
Deigo Lopez de Sequeira. In the year 1509 Diego Lopez de Sequeira visited Pasai. He argued that the distribution of Pasai is the center of culture and the teachings of Islam's first and most important in Indonesia. Even Pasai this area of cultural and religious teachings of Islam and then to develop the various regions in Indonesia.
Sir Richard Winsted. Sir Richard said that Winsted Parameswara (the king of Malacca) was embrace Islam and change the name to Iskandar Syah. This is done because of Malacca has a very strategic position in shipping and trading activities through the Malacca. Even in the development of the next Malacca became the center of trade and the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.
Through some of these, note that cultural and religious teachings of Islam has grown in Indonesia. Begins with the emergence and development of the kingdom of Samudera Pasai as the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia. Pasai Ocean from this culture and the teachings of Islam to develop the whole of Indonesia. However, in addition to these figures, there are many figures that the entry and development of culture and the teachings of Islam to Indonesia.
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