3. Kingdom of Aceh
a. Position Kingdom
Kingdom of Aceh as a developing Islamic kingdom and the triumph of the government on Sultan Iskandar Muda. Growth achieved by the Kingdom of Aceh can not be separated from the kingdom's strategic location, the island of Sumatra in the north and near the shipping line international trade at that time. Ramainya shipping activity through trade-bandar Bandar Aceh Kingdom trade, affect the development of the life of the Kingdom of Aceh in all areas, such as aspects of political, economic, social, and cultural.
b. Political life
About when the Kingdom of Aceh, can not be known with certainty. Based on Bustanussalatin (1637 M) column Naruddin Ar-Raniri containing genealogical Sultans of Aceh, and based on the news in Europe, the Kingdom of Aceh diketahi that have successfully freed themselves from the power of the Kingdom of Pedir. Kings who once ruled the kingdom of Aceh are:
Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah.
Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah is the first king of the Kingdom of Aceh. He ruled Aceh year 1514-1528 M. Under his control, to expand the Kingdom of Aceh to some areas that are in the region such as North Sumatra and the Power Pasai. Even make attacks against the Portuguese nation in Malacca and also attack the kingdom of Aru.
Sultan Salahuddin.
After Mughayat Syah Sultan Ali died, the switch to the son of Sultan Salahuddin title. He ruled years 1528-1537 M. Occupied the throne during the Kingdom of Aceh, he could not pay attention to the kingdom. The state of the kingdom and a shaky start to decline sharply. Therefore, the Sultan Salahuddin replaced his brother who called Riayat Alauddin Syah al-Kahar.
Sultan Alauddin al-Kahar Riayat.
Riayat Sultan Alauddin Syah al-Kahar Aceh reign from the year 1537-1568 M. After successfully occupied the throne the kingdom, he melaksnakan variety of changes and improvements in the governance of all forms of the Kingdom of Aceh. During his reign, the Kingdom of Aceh to the expansion area as do his attacks against the kingdom of Malacca (but failed). Region Kingdom of Aru successfully occupied. After the government Riayat Sultan Alauddin Syah al-Kahar end, the Kingdom of Aceh to the grim. Perbutan rebellion and the power often. Just after Sultan Iskandar Muda ascend the throne, the Kingdom of Aceh experienced a rapid development.
Sultan Iskandar Muda.
Sultan Iskandar Muda Aceh reign from the year 1607-1636 M. Under the Sultan Iskandar Muda, Aceh experienced kejayaannya Kingdom. Kingdom of Aceh grow into large and powerful kingdom on the trade of Islam, Bandar bahkam become transito who can connect with merchants in the Islamic world the West.
To achieve greatness Kingdom of Aceh, Sultan Iskandar Muda in Aceh continue to struggle with the Portuguese and Johor Kerajan in Peninsular Malaya. Tujannya is the path of trade in the Malacca and the regions of pepper. Sultan Iskandar Muda also refused a request to the UK and the Netherlands to buy pepper in the western coastal Sumatra. In addition, the Kingdom of Aceh to the areas such as Aru, Pahang, Kedah, Perlak, Indragiri, and so on down the Sultan Iskandar Muda, Aceh has the Kingdom of the very wide powers.
During the glorious feudatory there are two renowned experts tasawwuf in Aceh, namely Syech Syamsuddin bin Abdullah as-Samatrani and Syech Abraham-syamsi. After the Sultan Iskandar Muda died, the throne Kingdom of Aceh was replaced by his son in law namely Sultan Iskandar Thani.
Sultan Iskandar Thani.
Sultan Iskandar Tahni ruled Aceh year 1636-1641 M. In running the government, he was to continue the tradition of Sultan Iskandar Muda. During the Sultan Iskandar Thani, showing a great theologian named Nuruddin ar-Raniri. He is writing a history book berudul Bustanu'ssalatin Aceh. As scholars large, Nuruddin ar-Raniri was figure who’s respected by the Sultan and his family by the people of Aceh seta. After he died, the kingdom of the throne held by the Queen(Iskandar Muda daughter) with the title Sri Putri Alam consort (1647-1675 M).
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