PROCESS,DEVELOPMENT and the heritage of Islam
Birth of Islam
Islam born in the Arabian peninsula, southwest Asia, when the Arab nation living in the era of era jahiliyah or darkness or ignorance. At that time, the public does not know God. They worship statues or idols, and believe that natural forces affect their lives. Inter-ethnic hostility, murder, and war did not stop. The state of nature that caused them to make hard law "deserts", which means stronger then they win.
The spread of Islam by the events that contain the word of God to spread the teachings of Islam. Word was passed on Muhammad on 17 Ramadan, or on 6 August 610 BC, when he is being engage in the Hira cave. The Angel Gabriel to Muhammad and his first revelation from God, the letter of Al-Alaq. Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad saw. Continue to receive and disseminate the revelation-revelation of God for 22 years.
And spreading the teachings of Islam
Islam comes from the word meaning aslama submit ourselves to God and obey. Islam also means happy, tranquil, and peaceful. Pemeluknya called the muslimat and Muslims or Muslims. Islam teaches people to obtain salvation in the world and the Hereafter.
Command Alllah delivered to mankind through the Prophet. All commands that are taught, either allowed or prohibited, a book written in the holy Al-Qur'an. Qur'an is a collection of revelation-revelation of God to the Prophet received the word-word and its meaning. Prophet Muhammad told revelation-revelation to the friends. Next, they record all the habits of the Prophet, known as Hadith. In other words, the Koran and the Hadith is a source of Islamic law supreme.
Originally broadcast in Islam secretly and limited to the families and friends of the Prophet Muhammad.
After the fall revelation that Muhammad ordered the spread of Islam are straightforward, he started preaching in public. The leaders of Quraish in Mecca Muhammad hinder business. Muhammad is considered a dangerous religion because it conflicts with their old beliefs. The Quraish blandish or allow it to do with the threat, and he also defamatory. However, followers of the Prophet Muhammad and does not quiver at the threat. Figure 2.1 River Tigris in Baghdad.
To avoid and escape from the threat of persecution made by the Quraish, on the instructions of Allah, Prophet Muhammad saw. and followers moved to Yatsrib in the year 622 M. Then the city known as the Madinat an-Nabi, meaning city of the Prophet, or Medina. Movement and followers of the Prophet to Medina called the Hijrah. Embraces Islam in Medina promised to defend the Prophet in maintaining and spreading Islam. Figure 2.2 Arabian peninsula.
In Medina, Prophet Muhammad saw. manage the community with the government in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Islam spread more knowledgeable so that pemeluknya any more, not only in the Arab peninsula, and then to Indonesia. Figure 2.3 Ka'bah in Mecca, the direction Muslims all over the world.
On 12 Rabiul Start Hijriah 11 years or 632 M, the Prophet Muhammad saw. died. He dimakamkan in Medina. Teachings of Islam and the religious forwarded by the caliph. Caliph of Islam leader is also leader of the State. It's the first four caliphs and the famous they called Khulafa-ur-Rasyidin. They are:
1. Shidiq Abu Bakr (632-634 M). During the pemerintaannya, the influence of Islam spread to the entire Arab peninsula and began to enter Palestine.
2. Umar bin Khattab (634-644 M). During his reign the influence of Islam spread to Syiria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and began to go to Persia. Umar managing Administration memebentuk with the provincial government institutions and courts.
3. Uthman bin Affan (644-655 M). Under the leadership. The influence of Islam spread throughout Persia, Cyprus, and Rhodes. During this cleavage also occurs in the community.
4. Ali bin Abi Talib (655-661 M). At this time Muslims split into several people, such as the Syiah, Ummayah, and Al Kawarij.
(Figure 2.4 Masjid Nabawi in Medina, where Prophet Muhammad saw. Dimakamkan).
Dynasty Umayyah
When the power of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib as the dogs seized by Muawiyah in 661 M, the central government moved to Damascus, Syiria. Since that time, stand Umayyah Dynasty. Government Umayyah dynasty lasted for almost 1 century. The triumph of Umayyah occurred at the time of the Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik (705-715 M). At that time, Islam developed to reach the west and Spain and southern France and China to the border.
Dynasty Abassiyah
In the year 750 M, Abdul Abbas seize power from Umayyah Dynasty and establish a new dynasty called the Dynasty Abassia. The central government moved to Baghdad. Abassiyah dynasty in power for almost 5 centuries. Under the Caliph Harun ar kepimpinan Rasyid (756-809 M), Dynasty Abassiyah experience progress in all areas of life. However, in the year 1258 M, fall in Baghdad attacks as Mongols.
Dynasty Umayyah and Bani Ahmad
At the time of the attack occurs against Dynasty Umayyah by Abbas, a prince named Abdurrahman successful escape and establish Kekhalifaan in Cordoba, Spain (756-1031 M). One result of triumph can be seen from Cordoba Masjid Jami 'Cordoba is very beautiful. Masjid Jami 'that was founded by Caliph Abdurrahman III (891-961 M). Culture and science in Cordoba experience a very rapid development, even the west is also involved in the study city.
Throughout that time, many going to war and power struggle among the Islamic countries that have in Spain. Finally, in the year 1031 M, the battle was won by Ahmad Bani dynasty based in Granada, southern Spain. Al Hambra Palace in Granada is a proof of the triumph of the peak and the Dynasty culture.
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